LOL Since my last post let's just say Sis has been werkin'!🤣
I have accomplished a lot but I also have dropped the ball on a few things. Not a BIG deal but I'm being real with myself. One of my accomplishments is my sister and I started our online boutique! Please check out and follow @fliks_armoire on Instagram, Poshmark, and Depop to stay up to date with me and new wardrobe pieces! I will be providing my own looks, as well as, thrifted closet essentials for Men and Women which we categorize as The Attic. I'm really excited about this adventure. We're still in the beginning phase but I'm grateful and hopeful.
Flik's Fav Tings... I haven't posted in a couple of weeks! No worries, I am currently having a sale and going to post new products sometime in the next two weeks. Going to change my set up for this online store but I haven't figured it out all the way yet.
Check out my Favorite fashion and vintage tings! -
I participated in a podcast with two amazing men! I will post the youtube video after this. Please watch, we talk about Men's Fall Fashion and essentials for 2020.
I am currently editing my YouTube videos! I am so happy that this task is finally being worked on. I created my youtube channel 7-8 years ago. I can't even imagine the type of influence I would have right now if I kept up with it, but it's fine everything happens the way it's supposed to. I am really excited about what I can create for my channel. I already have a list but action is always the hardest part, oh! and editing lol. Go ahead like and subscribe 😉 I'm Subscribing. I will post videos my videos in the blog too so you won't miss anything!
I get dressed up every year for Halloween. It's the only time you can really wear what you want to wear and people are entertained by it vs judge so I try to take full advantage!
I dressed up as THE QUEEN BEE🐝 & Diana Ross
I had 3 costumes in mind but I honestly was doing too much! 🤣
I usually shop my own closet for my costume and If I don't have certain detailed pieces I'll either run tin Goodwill or just purchase in a store or online. I never spend more than $20
This year since we're in the house, I splurged a little. I purchased pieces for my costume from Amazon, MissGuided, Shein, JoAnns, Hobby Lobby, and eBay. The ostrich feather trim I bought from JoAnn's was expensive anyway, but Thank God I found a 60% off coupon. The fabric was over $30 for a yard. I lucked up.
Anyway here is my Lil Kim looks below
I feel like I'm in a space right now where Kim was or any black woman trying to make a name for herself. This iconic look was for her debut album Hard Core, which released in 1996.
Fitness/No meat September - HA! I'm going to try again in January, I can use the next month and a half to prepare. I look and feel my best when I'm not eating meat and it's a goal of mine to be completely done with meat anyway. I bought some cookbooks and I of course need to use my Pinterest board. Going to work on dishes and post them here too! Stay tuned :)
Vegan 2021
Toodles! I'm going to bed 😴