Lol, such a simple thing to say but how many of us really mean it?
The first day of my RENU'D journey and I honestly feel like this morning I have done a really GRAND job. I got up, tried to mediate, clenched my new crystals, finished up some work, chatted with my crazy supervisors and now its time to really start my day.
I started it by looking into the mirror, into my own eyes and saying I love you. Its been a few years that I have not felt comfortable or happy with myself. Most people I believe go through this, it's common.
For me, it's not common...
I have days where I don't feel like myself but for the last 3 years! It has been a necessary doozy! And with that being said the love that I felt for myself looking in the mirror I shed a couple of tears.
This for me confirms my spirit is in the process of renewal.
Welcome to RENU'D with Style! Come with me on this journey of rediscovering myself, changing/growing and of course doing it with Style. LOL