I feel like this is something a lot of people struggle with or hope for. The past couple of months I've really been harboring some things on my heart and today I had the greatest moment when I released it. I think my first hurt was at a young age (9) and the choices I have made reflect that time of my life. When they say history repeats itself BELIEVE IT! And I'm grateful for it because NOW I am past it. No longer will I wear those feelings of how I felt of what people did or said about me. I forgive them and I'm better than that! Bigger than that! And more beautiful than that!
I am not yesterday, I am today and tomorrow.
I know my heart and I will always strive for the best.
I'm grateful for the time I've taken to get to know me. This has definitely been a wonderful experience and I'm blessed to even have these thoughts and feelings.
Today I can say I am past old relationships.
Past hurtful friendships.
Past family drama.
And past my own trama.
I forgive you, I forgive me!
The End.
PS. I'm choosing to live in love :P
