Just getting back from the West COOAAAST!!!
A much-needed trip...
I started in ATL with the family for Christmas and flew out to Las Vegas to celebrate 2020!
My time with family was much needed. I haven't been home for the holidays since my Step- Dad passed away. I desperately needed to be around me people. Many laughs with my Grandma, of course, great chats and tv time with my Sissy and grown 'oman time with mi Madre. These people make my heart so happy and full. I'm truly blessed with a loving, giving and strong family of BLACK WOMAN!
So after ATL it was time to Paar-Tay!
Lol not really, I just chilled. I needed to rest, reset & put my feet up. Grateful that my best friend understood and let me be.
New Year's Eve night doe it was beautiful and I felt beautiful.
I didn't need much to bring in the New Year, just God & a bottle of Moet! I prayed long and hard asking God to continue to direct me and to give me the love and strength to live in my purpose. I listed all the things I want to achieve and organized my planner for 2020. Then it was party time!
I purchased my lovely dress from Shein.com. I was kind of nervous it wouldn't fit, but BayBayy did that dress FIT. I definitely wanted something sparkly but honestly, I was looking for green. I didn't find anything I loved that cost less than $200 bucks. So I said to myself fine, I look great in gold and then the hunt was on! This ALMOST was my dress
I loved this too... so 80's. Old Gold with ruffle sleeves. However, I wanted to sparkle like a New Year ball lol and something floor length.
Needless to say, I was very pleased with my dress and my other Shein purchases. I will make a video later this week so you guys can see what I copped. I got some good inexpensive goodies. My whole Vegas/Cali wardrobe was Shein. Ha! Yes, yes I did go to Cali, my third home. But let me brag about my spa day before the 4-hour drive.
First, let me shout out my BFF for treating me to A Touch of Vegas. MUCH NEEDED that hot tub was everything. I felt so calm cool and relaxed. Great therapy for Ms. Busy Body. The spa was great, the ambiance was very therapeutic and the associates were so sweet and helpful. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and will probably go again when I'm in the area. It is right across the highway from the strip.
In Cali... I was a certified couch potato. Watched Martin on BET, Kevin Hart on Netflix and tuned into a couple other Netflix shows with my EC girlfriend. Grateful for her just allowing me to chill.
HELLO 2020, I've been patiently waiting for you :)
Pics of my time.
It's been a while... but guess what?? I feel GREAT! Challenging myself those 30 days was a great help for me putting my best foot forward, as a freelancer and my overall health.
Now I have a NEW challenge for myself lol. I like to set goals if you can't tell.
I am continuing my workouts and eating better, I want this to become my lifestyle vs something to do (better habits).
Grace Jones...she oozes confidence, strength, being fierce, fashion and basically doing whatever the hell she wants to do! Lol
If you know me I guess you can say the same about me BUT this is me getting back to MY basics. I used to take so many photos of myself and my camera was stolen and I never really got into it again... But this is will be my goal for myself to recreate this photo and being a creative me again.
My inspiration board to be Fit & Focused
I'm excited to see the end results and my hightop fade.